Piers Greville / Artist

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Piers Greville now represented by Dominik Mersch Gallery Sydney and by Magma Galleries in Melbourne.

After increased interest over the past couple of years, including successful exhibitions, international exposure and an international Biennial presentation, both galleries formally now represent the artist.

Having exhibited with Dominik Mersch Gallery several times since 2019, and is planing a solo exhibition for the spring of 2025. At Dominik Mersch Gallery, Piers is represented alongside many esteemed artists, including: John Beard, Isidro Blasco, Jon Cattapan, Lyndell Brown and Charles Green, Peta Clancy, Cobi Cockburn, Giacomo Costa, Lucas Davidson, Elger Esser, Peter Hoffer, Emryn Ingram-Shute, Tim Johnson, Locust Jones, Clemens Krauss, Dani Marti, Catherine O’donnell, Vedika Rampal, Antonia Perricone, Andrew Rogers, Gregor Schneider, Katie West, Claudia Terstappen, Philip Wolfhagen, Anne Zahalka, Helen Pynor and Julio Rondo.

At Magma Galleries Piers is represented alongside esteemed artists such as: Claire Healy and Sean Cordeiro, Matthew Couper, Drez,Mike Green,Christophe Stibio, Brud Studia, Kim Westcott, Bandarr Wirrpanda and Tony Woods

Blue World: The Valerie Taylor Art Prize for Ocean Advocacy

A new work has been selected to this invitation-only prize. Datum Gelidae, 2019–2023 is a newly finished painting. The title comes from ‘given the cold’ translated into latin, and refers to the now dynamic state of what might have once been looked upon as static geography. It is a painting of the Antarctic polar ice thickness, using a 2019 dataset measured by the CryoSat and ICESat-2 satellites. Stretched over three panels, it depicts our massive but vulnerable southern icecap.

The irregular terrain depicted in the painting reflects both the sub-glacial terrain, but also reveals glacial accumulation and depletion across the continent. The painting’s support is a particularly delicate and raw linen, which like the sea around the Antarctic, is deep, dark and vulnerable, and which absorbs the light of all around.

2022 Manifesta 14:
Prishtina, Kosovo

Piers was selected alongside Ukrainian artist Stanislava Pinchuk and Kosovar curator Petrit Abazi to present newly conceived, site-specific work in Mitrovica. Manifesta is Europe’s nomadic biennial, taking place in a new location around Europe every two years. 

Newcastle Art Gallery acquisition: Phase Space Green

The painting titled ‘Phase Space Green, 2020’ was acquired from the Tipping Point exhibition at Dominik Mersch Gallery in May, via a gift of the Newcastle Art Gallery Society. Until it is exhibited, it will be viewable in the gallery’s online collection here.

A-OK: Converstaion with Artist Alison Kennedy

A-OK is a blog by artist Alison Kennedy. It engages in discourse examining influences and principles behind artists’ practices. Our conversation covered my background formative experiences, as well as current narratives. Read it here.

Tipping Point, solo show at Dominik Mersch Gallery

May 2020
First full solo show with Dominik Mersch Gallery in Sydney, opens on Friday 15th of May and runs until the 7th of June. The paintings continue my ongoing research into landscape and mapping and seek to capture something of this seismic moment in collective awareness of our place in the environment.  
Opening, 6-8pm, Friday 15th of May, Dominik Mersch 1/75 McLachlan Avenue Rushcuters Bay Sydney. 

Isolation, solo show at Box Gallery

April 2020

In response to Covid-19, Isolation will be a closed-door installation generating online photographic and video views and artist interviews.

In April I opened an exhibition of seven paitings at the independent artist-run initiative Box Gallery in Sandbox Studios in Brunswick, Victoria. This exhibition puts recent paintings of tree trunks within the context of figuration, with the gallery itself regularly hosting life drawing sittings in the space.

Below: Apollo of Delos, 2020.
Oil and graphite on board. 61cm x 92cm

Shortlised: Athenaeum Club Visual Art Research scholarship

February 2020
The Athenaeum scholarship is awarded to graduating postgraduate researchers specialising in art and the winner will be announced by Nick Mitzevich, Director of the National Gallery of Australia, at the Athenaeum Club on Thursday 27 February.

Weizmann Experiment (You are Here), 2019. Oil and concrete on board. Diptych, 180cm x 120cm

Shortlisted: Glover Prize 

February 2020
With a new work Moonlit Night, Rock Island Bend, which refers to the location of the famous and politically pivotal 1979 photograph by Peter Dombrivskis. Prize winner  announced March 6.

Moonlit Night, Rock Island Bend, 2020. Charcoal and oil on linen. 71cm x 51cm  

Mountains Become Islands: curated group show at Domink Mersch Gallery

October / November 2019
This group exhibition curated by Alanna Irwin will be held  at Domink Mersch Gallery. had work from participating artists including: John Beard, Peta Clancy, Julia Davis, Fayen d’Evie and Bryan Phillips, Liam Garstang, Piers Greville, Julia Davis and Lisa Jones, Janet Laurence, Nike Savvas and Katie West.

Graduating from VCA Masters of Fine Art with first class honours

July 2019
Having completed examination this research Masters of Fine Art, supervised by Prof. Jon Cattapan. Graduation is in July 2019. An un-redacted (Copyright uncleared) thesis is available on request via email. See the thesis abstract in texts.

Concrete painting of humans' impact on environment wins iconic landscape award - ABC news

12 March 2019
“The winner of this year's Glover Prize has painted a man-made lake using concrete and acrylic to depict how humans are changing the environment....” read more >

Piers Greville wins the 2019 Glover Prize - Art Almanac

11 March 2019
“Melbourne-based artist Piers Greville has won the 2019 Glover Prize for his entry entitled Pedder Prime Cuts, receiving $50,000 and a bronze maquette of colonial artist John Glover, whose legacy is celebrated through the Tasmanian contemporary landscape award...” read article >

Piers Greville wins 2019 Glover Prize - Art Guide Australia

11 March 2019
Piers Greville has won the 2019 Glover Prize, awarded for landscape paintings of Tasmania. The Melbourne-based artist took out the $50,000 prize with his bold graphic painting, Pedder Prime Cuts.... read article >

Piers Greville wins 2019 Glover Prize - Arts Review

8 March 2019
“Melbourne-based artist, Piers Greville has been announced as the winner of the 2019 Glover Prize for his entry, Pedder Prime Cuts.read article >

Glover Prize 2019 - ABC radio arts and culture program with Myf Warhurst

12 March 2019 
Talking about the work and the prize on the radio on Arts and Culture show with Myf Warhurst. listen @ ~ 1hr 18min >

See Piers Greville's Glover Prize winning painting - The Advocate

9 March 2019
“Piers Greville's Pedder Prime Cuts was celebrated by the judges for its mix of digital technology and traditional painting, which judge Barry Keldoulis said was keeping landscape painting contemporary...” read article >

See Piers Greville's Glover Prize 2019 prize-winning painting - The Examiner

8 March 2019
“The winning landscape in this year's $50,000 Glover Prize is an artistic rendering of Lake Pedder as viewed from Google Earth.” read article >

Praise for Pedder study - Hobart Mercury

9 March 2019 
“The emerging artist awarded the coveted Glover Prize for 2019 hopes his winning entry provokes thoughts about humans’ relationship with an increasingly fragile environment...” read article >

Glover Prize winner 2019

8 March 2019
Piers Greville has won the 2019 Glover Prize for his painting Pedder Prime Cuts, painted earlier in 2019.

2019 Glover Prize Finals

8 February 2019
Piers Greville has been selected as a finalist in the 2019 Glover Prize, with the winner to be announced on the 8th of March 2019. Exhibition will be held in Evandale, Tasmania, from the 9th-17th of March.

Siren Song Creek, VCA DMG Award.

December 2018 
In February Domink Mersch Gallery in Sydney is to put on the solo exhibition Siren Song Creek, as part of the DMG Gallery Award, won by Piers Greville in December 2018.

2018 David Richards Drawing Award

December 2018
Also at the VCA Masters Exhibition Piers was awarded this prize, in recognition of excellence in drawing, courtesy of The Ursula Hoff Institute

MFA exhibition

November 2018
The VCA Masters graduation show will be on display at the Melbourne University Southbank campus

Melbourne Art Fair with VCA Access

August 2018
Alongside Melbourne Art Fair in August 2018, VCA Access and ACP Projects hosted an auxiliary exhibition booth with works by Piers Greville, Moonis Ahmad, Janno McLaughlin, Lorraine Heller-Nicholas and Arna Meldrum.

Fabricated Country

July 2018
Exhibition coming up between 7th and 28th of July at Kings Artist Run in Melbourne.

Press mentions about Piki Mai: Up Here ^^ / Auckland Art Fair

May 2018
The VCA Access booth at the May 2018 Auckland Art Fair is mentioned in Art Collector - clip pasted below, in the lead up to the Fair [Tai Mitsuji - artcollector.com.au]

Nite Art 18 Studio Visit

Part of a series of studio visits and art walks in the lead up to Nite Art 18 This is an encounter designed to experience art in its raw context and speak with artist directly about their practice and process.

Auckland Art Fair 2018

As part of the VCA Acess Program, Piers will be participating in the Auckland Art Fair from 23rd - 27th May 2108

VCA Access

VCA has awarded Piers a place in the VCA Access mentorship program. Piers’ mentor is Melbourne based artist Irene Hannenbergh.

Universal Personal

Group Exhibition at VCA Artspace Masters of Fine Art (MFA) candidates in final year, exhibited current work at the  campus gallery from 6th to the 9th of March, 2018. Artists: included in the exhibition are Brigit Ryan, John Gosper, Freya Pitt, Luke Adams, Piers Greville, Alison Kennedy, Nathan Stolz, Sue Beyer.


Solo exhibition of paintings 18 May - 11 June 2017 at c3 Contemporary Artspace (Abbottsford, VIC)

Sleepwalking Into a Wall

Solo exhibition of paintings 24-29 November 2016 - at Chamber, a project by The Archive of Nuclear Harm (Brunswick, VIC)