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Piers Greville recent work / Rel: Manifesta14

Fabricated Country, 2018 – 2019 installation views

Fabricated Country, 2018 installation view at University of Melbourne, The Stables

Fabricated Country, 2019 installation views, Dominik Mersch Gallery

Fabricated Country, 2018 installation view, Kings ARI Gallery

Dronology 2019, In-Process demonstration of studio collaboration with Shaun Gladwell

Dronology 2019, In-Process demonstration. Split-gestures in ink and Google Tilt Brush. Watermill Center NY, USA

Dronology 2019, In-Process demonstration. Split-gestures in ink and Google Tilt Brush. Watermill Center NY, US

Dronology is an ongoing research-based collaboration between artists Shaun Gladwell and Piers Greville. During a period of studio sharing in North Melbourne, Gladweel and Greville commenced an open ended inquiry in to the potential of drones in In-Process demonstration Using Drone controled brushes in virtual and real space

Tipping Point 2020, Dominic Mersch Gallery

May 15-31 2020, Solo exhibition with Dominik Mersch Gallery (Sydney) continues Greville’s ongoing research into landscape and mapping, seeking to capture a seismic moment of collective awareness of our place in the environment.